MP Calls For Transport Plan’s Focus To Be On Weston’s Current Congestion Problems

Weston’s MP John Penrose has responded to the West of England Joint Transport Plan (JTP), with a call to focus on tackling Weston’s current congestion problems rather than focusing on plans to justify a new town near Churchill.

In his letter, John writes that plans should prioritise upgrades to the M5 between J20 and J21, delivering Junction 21 upgrades, and looking at a Junction 20 inland spur connection to the South Bristol Link. He points out that he and the majority of local people are strongly opposed to plans for the A38 corridor between Sandford and Bristol Airport, and that the current proposals for Junction 21a (with a new small town near Churchill) could make the problems at Junction 21 worse rather than better.

John Penrose said: “This is an opportunity to make sure local people spend less time in their cars and more time at home having fun with their families. With the plans serving as the framework for transport in around the west for the next 18 years, it’s vital we get them right and that priority is given to problems that already exist.

John’s letter in response to the Joint Transport Plan letter can be found here.
John’s original response to the overall Joint Spatial Plan letter can be found here.
John’s follow-up to the overall Joint Spatial Plan letter can be found here.

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